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Can Non Swimmers Snorkel

Can Non Swimmers Snorkel? | YES, Guaranteed!

What is a more fun and exciting way to explore the underwater world other than snorkeling? Do you not love to explore colorful fish, coral reefs, and other marine life surprises without diving deep or carrying any hard equipment? Snorkeling brings absolute pleasure. But what do you do if you do not know how to swim? Can non swimmers snorkel? Definitely yes!. In this article, we will share with you some practical tips and advice on how to snorkel if you cannot swim, what equipment you need, what to expect, and more.

Can non swimmers snorkel? Deep dive into the possibilities

This famous water sport gives you an opportunity to observe the colorful and diverse marine life without having to spend so much or putting lots of effort. If you have a mask, a snorkel, and some fins (optional), and you have practice floating on the water surface and breathing through your mouth while looking down, you can explore the amazing sights of SeaWorld.

Anyone of any age and fitness level can snorkel. There is nothing or no one to stop you. And you do not even need any special training or certification to snorkel either. But one might wonder whether snorkeling swimming required if they are not confident or comfortable in the water. If you are one of them, you must hear this truth. Swimming is not a must for snorkeling. But knowing how to swim can make your snorkeling experience more enjoyable and safer. What do you do if you do not know how to swim? Is snorkeling only a dream for you? Don’t worry. There are preparations and precautions to take if you can not swim at all. We will learn more about them soon.

Understanding snorkeling

Let’s first learn about snorkeling to understand the most asked nonswimmer question: is swimming required for snorkeling?

Basic requirements

01. You have a few things to do when you prepare for your snorkel adventure.

Cover your eyes and nose with a mask.
Get a snorkel to breathe easily through your mouth while floating on the water.
Find some fins to help you move faster and easier in the water.

Do you need to know more about snorkeling wear essentials? Read our snorkeling wear and snorkeling gear list articles here.

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02. Got your basic snorkeling requirements ready? Check the following to ensure your underwater safety.

Your mask should fit well and should not leak or fog up.
Use a dry or full-face snorkel to cut off any doubts about water getting to your mouth.
Your pair of fins should fit your feet comfortably. And they should not give you blisters or cramps.
Wear a wetsuit/rash guard to get protection from sunburn, jellyfish stings, and cold water.

03. See, you do not have to know how to swim at all to snorkel. But you can get other benefits from knowing how to swim, such as,

Get a more relaxed feeling and confidence in the water.
Save energy and avoid exhaustion.
Comfortably deal with unexpected situations under the sea, like strong currents, waves, or cramps.

Safety measures for non swimmers

The second question many nonswimmers have is whether snorkelling for non swimmers can be done safely and enjoyably. Yes, of course you can. You just have to follow a few basic safety measures before you jump into the water to make your snorkeling adventure safe.

Wear a life jacket/ flotation device.

Wearing either a life jacket or a flotation device is one of the most important safety measures for snorkeling for non swimmers. You can stay on the water surface without sinking or drowning with the help of this equipment. That is not all. When you wear them, other snorkelers, boaters, and rescuers will see you more clearly. So you will not be alone if there is an emergency. You can try out different types of life jackets and flotation devices, such as a snorkel vest, life jacket, or pool noodle.

Go with a guide or an instructor.

A guide or an instructor has experience and knowledge in snorkeling. They can help you with your snorkeling equipment, technique, and safety. That is not all!

They will show you the best spots to snorkel, point out exciting marine life, and even answer your questions. You can learn how important your guide is when there is an emergency. A guide is there to help if you,

lost your mask, snorkel, or fins
got water in your mouth or nose.
have any difficulty breathing or feeling dizzy.
got a cramp or injury.
meet any dangerous fish or plants.
got separated from the group or lost.

They even have the training to give you first aid, CPR, or rescue in emergencies.

Stay close to the shore/ in shallow waters.

When you stay close to the shore or in shallow waters, you can easily stand up, walk back, or get help in an emergency. You can even see the bottom of the water clearly and feel more comfortable and confident while snorkeling.

Here are some more safety measures for snorkeling if you are a non swimmer

Find a calm and clear water spot with plenty of marine life.
Do not go to areas with strong currents, waves, or boat traffic.
Do not touch or feed any fish or plants.
Do not go too deep or too far from the shore or boat.
Do not hold your breath or hyperventilate while snorkeling.

Snorkeling tips for non swimmers

Help yourself with these tips to improve your snorkeling skills and get the best snorkeling experience as a non-swimmer.

Never snorkel alone

Never snorkel alone.

You do not have to worry about emergencies or difficulties when someone’s around you while you are snorkeling. So, always have a snorkeling partner, friend, or guide beside you. You can communicate with them using hand signals when you are underwater.

Stay in your comfort zone

Stay in your comfort zone.

Do not try things you have not done before. Do not get stressed or scared. Snorkeling is all about fun. Do you feel tired, cold, or bored? Then stop snorkeling and take a break.

Keep your focus

Keep your focus.

Paying attention to underwater surroundings is very important while you snorkel. Do not swim too far from the shore or the boat. Also, do not swim into dangerous or restricted areas either. Look out for hazards such as rocks, coral, jellyfish, or boats.

Practice with your snorkeling equipment before your trip

Practice with your snorkeling equipment before your trip.

Try your snorkeling gear in a pool, lake, or pond before you go out snorkeling in the sea. Check out whether your gear fits well and works properly.

Be physically fit before your trip

Be physically fit before your trip.

Although snorkeling is a relaxing activity, you have to move your body a lot while floating on the water’s surface for a long time. You will also have to breathe through a tube and move against the water resistance. All these activities need energy, so be physically fit before your snorkeling adventure.


Can non swimmers snorkel? Yes, this wonderful activity is for everyone at any age. All you have to do is get some preparation, precautions, and practice to snorkel safely and comfortably in many places worldwide. Try snorkeling as a non-swimmer and open your eyes to a new world of beauty and wonder you will never forget.

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